Sunday, October 5, 2008

OUF,P Recording Session #1

so on friday we went into the studio for our first session with our producer mike york to track the drums for our new album. it was a good time and really successful session where we managed to get the drums tracked for all nine songs. our drummer tommy really stepped up to the plate and killed all of the tracks. tommy is an amazing musician. he studied at berkley and has played drums in tons of different bands, he even tried out to play in tera melos. he also plays guitar and keys and works on various other projects along with his own acoustic solo project. we are really happy to have tommy as a drummer. he came to the band after we hadnt had a drummer for months, took the ideas that we had already laid down with our first drummer and just applied his own flair and style to it. tommy is definitely an experience too, since he has hyper ADD. when you think about it, drums are pretty much the best instrument for a guy like tommy who constantly has to touch or mess things up. as you'll see from this video i shot he can be a little hard to work with at times, but once you get him at the kit he really is something else. *DISCLAIMER* tommy is completely deaf in his left ear, hence all of his repeating questions. 

i edited this movie with imovie, which sucks, so the quality is a little crappy, but you guys will get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to say your drummer is ADD faggots